ExtraBITS for 9 May 2011
Our coverage of last week’s news — the new iMacs and two security-related stories — featured in a pair of online appearances for Adam, on MacBreak Weekly and the Tech Night Owl Live. And while it was pre-recorded, Tonya also made a video op-ed for Your Mac Podcast Now.
Adam Participates in Star-Studded MacBreak Weekly — MacBreak Weekly with Leo Laporte and Andy Ihnatko is always informative and entertaining, but with a panel that included Adam, Macworld’s Chris Breen, and John Gruber of Daring Fireball, this show turned out to be one for the record books. The excellent discussions covered the new iMac, last week’s security news, more on Location-gate, the thickness of the white iPhone 4, and what we might see from Apple as the next cloud-based service.
Tonya Talks about the Geek Generation Gap — Tonya Engst made a video appearance as the Op-Ed guest in last week’s “Your Mac Podcast Now” episode. Tune in for a review of recent news and then watch Tonya (at 3:30 in) talk about the geek generation gap and how she thinks there’s an important change on the horizon.
Adam Talks Security on the Tech Night Owl Live — If you can’t get enough of last week’s security news about the Weyland-Yutani “crimekit” and the MACDefender “scareware,” tune in to this segment of the Tech Night Owl Live podcast with Gene Steinberg.