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Take Control Ebook Signing at Smile’s Macworld/iWorld Booth

One casualty of the modern ebook world is book signings. One of the most ego-boosting days of my life as an author was when a company bought a boatload of my “Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh” books and gave them away at a book signing promotion during the Macintosh Volume Buyer event before a Macworld Expo in Boston in the mid-1990s. There’s nothing like signing book after book while the line snakes out of sight around a corner to make you feel like a best-selling author, even when you know everyone got their copy for free.

With ebooks, it’s harder to have an in-person event, and even harder, if you do, to sign those digital copies. But while talking with Jean MacDonald of Smile, I realized that we actually do now have the technology, thanks to Smile’s PDFpen for iPad app.

So, at 3:00 PM on Friday, 1 February 2013, at the Smile booth in the Appalooza section of the Macworld/iWorld show floor, Joe Kissell and Michael Cohen will be signing copies of their Take Control ebooks: “Take Control of PDFpen 5” and “Take Control of TextExpander” for Michael, and “Take Control of Your Paperless Office” and a slew of other titles for Joe. Of course, you’ll need to have the ebook in PDFpen with you, but Michael and Joe will each have
their own stylus. Tonya and I plan to be hanging around as well to see how this sort of digital book signing works out, so if you want to say hello or ask any questions, this will be a good time to catch a number of us in one place.

And yes, I’ve added this signing to the TidBITS Events calendar. See you there!

[Update: Couldn’t resist sharing this image of a signed ebook from the show — thanks to everyone who came by! –Adam]

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