ExtraBITS for 2 March 2015
In this week’s collection of ExtraBITS, Managing Editor Josh Centers made a couple of podcast appearances and Google teamed up with carriers for mobile payments.
Josh Centers Talks Patents, Apple Watch on The Mac Show — Managing Editor Josh Centers joined The Mac Show panel to discuss patent reform, the Apple Watch, the possibility of a new Apple TV, how much gold Apple is using for the Apple Watch Edition, public iOS betas, what’s coming in iOS 9, and the viability of Final Cut Pro X.
Josh Centers Goes Gold on The Dan Benjamin Hour — Managing Editor Josh Centers joined host Dan Benjamin on The Dan Benjamin Hour to discuss how much gold Apple may be using to produce Apple Watch Edition units.
Google Teaming Up with Carriers on Payments — Google has agreed to a deal with AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon that will make Google Wallet more competitive with Apple Pay. All three carriers will pre-install the Google Wallet app on Android phones, and Google will gain intellectual property from the carrier-owned payment service Softcard. Google beat Apple to mobile payments by several years, but in many cases, the carriers prevented Google Wallet from accessing the necessary NFC chip in Android phones.