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Exploring Generative AI on the Command Control Power Podcast

My writing about generative AI (see “How to Identify Good Uses for Generative AI Chatbots and Artbots,” 27 May 2024) and Apple’s announcement of Apple Intelligence (see “Examining Apple Intelligence,” 17 June 2024) triggered several podcast appearances for me. Command Control Power typically focuses on issues of interest to Apple consultants, but this 90-minute conversation with hosts Joe Saponare and Jerry Zigmont delved into some of the deeper questions surrounding generative AI. You can also watch the live stream on YouTube.

Along with some discussion of Apple Intelligence, we talked about making effective use of generative AI, why we probably won’t end up with AI assistants talking to each other for a while yet, what sort of jobs aren’t at risk of being replaced by AI, and how we can deal with AI slop at both the individual and societal levels.

Although we recorded the episode a few weeks ago, it just dropped today, so I took advantage of a long ElliptiGO ride to refresh my memory of what we discussed. Perhaps I just like hearing myself talk, but I thought the wide-ranging conversation touched on important yet subtle topics. Give it a listen, and let me know what you think in the comments.

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Comments About Exploring Generative AI on the Command Control Power Podcast

Notable Replies

  1. You didn’t want to share the YouTube link to the podcast’s livestream?

  2. Thanks for the reminder—added! I was so focused on it being a podcast, I forgot there was a video version too.

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