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Rich Mogull

Rich Mogull

Rich Mogull has been working in the security world for over 20 years, and breaking computers (usually by accident) even longer. After about 10 years in physical security (mostly running large events/concerts), he made the mistake of getting drunk in Silicon Valley and telling someone he “worked in security.” Next morning he woke up with a job as an IT security consultant. That’s not totally true, but it’s far more amusing than his full biography. He currently works as the VP of Product for DisruptOPS and an independent security analyst at He previously spent seven years as an analyst with Gartner. Rich is also a paramedic, done stints as a firefighter and with Rocky Mountain Rescue, and recently retired from ski patrol when he moved to sunny Arizona. He still dabbles in disaster medicine, when nature cooperates.

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iPhone Security Tips

Avoid rogue wireless networks and take advantage of your iPhone's security features with just a few simple screen taps and slides.

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QuickTime Security Enhanced with Anti-Exploitation Technologies

QuickTime 7.4.5 offers more than just specific security fixes - in it, Apple started activating anti-exploitation technologies to protect users even when there are software vulnerabilities. But when will we see these technologies fully implemented in QuickTime, or even Leopard itself?

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Mac Users Affected by New Virus

A new virus has struck, specifically affecting Mac users. Researchers suspect the cause may be retaliation brought on by the general smugness Mac users exhibit when confronted with viral threats.

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Apple Becomes First Victim in Hacking Contest

Mac OS X was just compromised more quickly than Windows Vista in a hacking contest. Should we worried? Rich Mogull explains why this is concerning, but there's no reason to panic.

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Should Mac Users Run Antivirus Software?

Antivirus software may not be the answer for most Mac users, but some of you will need it, and all of you should follow these security precautions to reduce your chance of becoming infected by malicious software.

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Airfoil Plays Home Audio Wirelessly

Apple's AirPort Express is great for when you want to send music to your stereo wirelessly, but what if the source of your music isn't iTunes? Or if you want to send the audio to a Mac or PC? Enter Rogue Amoeba's AirFoil 3.1. Rich Mogull gives a real-world look at what it's good for in this review.

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QuickTime 7.4.1 Fixes Zero-Day Vulnerability

Apple releases a critical security update for a month-old vulnerability in QuickTime for OS X and Windows.

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My First Macworld Expo

Come witness the trials and tribulations as a rookie TidBITS editor attempts to ward off the Reality Distortion Field at Macworld Expo.

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Intuit Alienates Mac Users With QuickBooks Fiasco

Intuit releases a patch to close the door on the QuickBooks data-destruction update fiasco. But is it time to move to alternative small business accounting software? Rich Mogull thinks so.

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Security Update 2007-009 1.1 Released with Important Fixes

Apple has released Security Update 2007-009 1.1 to patch 41 vulnerabilities in Mac OS X 10.4.11 and 10.5.1, some of which are rather serious. We recommend installing this update soon!

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Protect Yourself from the QuickTime RTSP Vulnerability

Worried about the new zero-day QuickTime security hole? There's no fix from Apple yet, so read on for tips on how you can protect your Mac.

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A Simple Hack To Fix Leopard’s Stacks

Frustrated by how Spaces uses meaningless document icons in the Dock? Rich Mogull points you to the solution.

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Leopard Firewall Takes One Step Forward, Three Steps Back

Apple touted Leopard's firewall as an improvement over Tiger, but security consultant Rich Mogull found significant problems with how it works and makes some suggestions for better security.

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How Leopard Will Improve Your Security

Apple has focused a lot of attention on making Leopard more secure, and security analyst Rich Mogull looks at each of the promised features to explain how it will keep your data, your online communications, and your Mac safe.

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The Ghost in My FileVault

What do you do when gremlins infest your FileVault... and you're many timezones away from home and your backups? Security consultant Rich Mogull shares what it's like to eat your own encrypted dogfood while on the road.