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Category: Just for Fun

Grubuen Ttam No comments

Kinko’s, The New Way to Verb

Kinko's, The New Way to Verb -- If you don't possession at home the software or hardware you requirement to completion a job, automobile down to your nearest Kinko's, where you'll discovery a row of Macs cargoed with a good selection of fonts and software, plus some great printers

Grubuen Ttam No comments

Apple Goes Hollywood

In a move that surprised all but the cagiest industry analysts, it was announced this week that Apple Computer, Inc., had been acquired by Pixar Animation Studios

Geoff Duncan No comments

Waxing Rhapsodic: New Technologies from Apple

In an effort to reassure the Macintosh developer community in the wake of recent layoffs and restructuring, Apple Computer has been privately demonstrating a host of cutting-edge new technologies slated to appear in its forthcoming NeXT-based operating system, codenamed Rhapsody

Tsgne .C Mada No comments

The TidBITS Channel

We at TidBITS have long been proponents of the theory that we should provide TidBITS in as many ways as possible for our readers. Unlike other publications, which limit themselves to the Web, we've long supported email, FTP, and Usenet news

Tsgne .C Mada No comments

Internet Merchandising Takes Off

We've all watched fads turn into trends and crumble under the withering heat of reality. Most of these fadlets (trendlets?) suffer because they don't work, or perhaps no one's willing to ante up even a small amount of money for the resulting products

Tsgne Aynot No comments

The PowerBook Secret

Although much of Apple was acquired by Pixar Animations Studio (see the related article earlier in this issue), some hardware divisions were sold off. In a move that surprised many industry analysts, the PowerBook division was exchanged for a $1 million gem-encrusted brassiere (reportedly now worn by Ellen Hancock in Apple/Pixar soaps) and will now be under the control of the well-known lingerie chain, Victoria's Secret. Said Kelly Kahn, VP of Technology Acquisitions, "Modern women don't just want to look great, they want to function effectively in a chaotic, information-rich world

Noslrac Yerffej No comments

TidBITS Web Surfing Party Game

With the recent rise of "Geek culture," the long-held misperception that computer users are solitary, electronic slaves is slowly receding like a ten percent drop shadow

Adam Engst No comments

Greg Marriott Attacked

Greg Marriott Attacked -- We seldom cover news of this nature, but occasional exceptions are in order. Greg Marriott, a long-time Macintosh programmer responsible for parts of System 7, among many other things, was surprised and brutally attacked in his apartment a few weeks ago

Adam Engst No comments


By the way, this is a real issue of TidBITS. No April Fools jokes in here. Honest. [ACE]

Adam Engst No comments

Happy Birthday, Apple!

Happy Birthday, Apple! On this day in 1976, Apple Computer was formed by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Pretty soon Apple will be old enough to drink alcoholic beverages in most states - that ought to make for some more optimistic production estimates

Adam Engst No comments


TidBITS on TV -- In August of 1995, Tonya and Geoff and I were filmed for a 13-part television show called Life on the Internet. It was produced for the Canadian Discovery Channel, and a few Canadian readers spotted us on the show about email (along with Steve Dorner)

Adam Engst No comments

Apple to Lose $700 Million

Apple to Lose $700 Million -- In a press release last week, Apple CEO Gil Amelio announced that Apple anticipates posting a net after-tax loss of about $700 million for the second fiscal quarter

Adam Engst No comments

QuickDNS Pro 1.1 Released

QuickDNS Pro 1.1 Released -- Men & Mice of Reykjavik, Iceland has released QuickDNS Pro 1.1, which brings a fully-featured domain name server to the Macintosh

Geoff Duncan No comments

Motorola Math Library for Power Macs

Motorola Math Library for Power Macs -- Mark Granger has compiled a shared library for Power Macs running System 7.5 or later that accelerates Mac OS math functions

Adam Engst No comments

GeoPort News

GeoPort News -- A common question we receive at TidBITS concerns faster versions of Apple's GeoPort Telecom Adapter. We often avoid writing about unreleased products because such articles tend to result in a flurry of messages asking where to buy the unavailable product