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Category: Inside TidBITS

Adam Engst No comments

Take Control News/16-Jul-07

Run Windows on a Mac with Up-to-Date Advice -- We've just released version 2.5 of "Take Control of Running Windows on a Mac," bringing this essential 148-page book completely up-to-date

Adam Engst No comments

VMware Sponsoring TidBITS

We're pleased to welcome our latest long-term sponsor, VMware, the company that is not just the latest entrant into the virtualization market for Intel-based Macs, but also the overall market leader in virtualization

Adam Engst No comments

DealBITS Discount: 4 GB iPod nano from Small Dog

Congratulations to Barbara LHeureux of, whose entry was chosen randomly in last week's DealBITS drawing and who received a blue 4 GB iPod nano (refurbished) along with a Mophie case, worth a total of $136.99

TidBITS Staff No comments

Staff Roundtable: Who’s Buying an iPhone?

As nearly everyone within range of the Reality Distortion Field now knows, Apple on Friday released the iPhone, selling untold numbers - one analyst estimates 500,000, while another is claiming 700,000 - in the first few days, including one to our very own Glenn Fleishman

TidBITS Staff No comments

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/25-Jun-07

Demand for iPhone -- Is Apple's goal of selling 10 million iPhones by the end of 2008 a realistic number, or is the number intentionally low to make sure Apple hits the mark? And when will we see iPhones in other countries? (13 messages) 1Passwd Eases Password Pain -- Responding to Joe Kissell's article on 1Passwd, readers discuss Palm synchronization

Adam Engst No comments

DealBITS Drawing: Win a 4 GB iPod nano from Small Dog

If you haven't been reading the top of each TidBITS issue carefully, you may not realize that our sponsor Small Dog Electronics regularly offers an exclusive deal for TidBITS readers

Adam Engst No comments

Take Control News/18-Jun-07

Troubleshooting Ebook Now In Print -- Troubleshooting a Mac with a serious startup problem is easy with the help in our new "Take Control of Troubleshooting Your Mac" ebook, but it certainly helps if you can read the text while you're having the problem

Adam Engst No comments

DealBITS Winner: Tom Bihn Laptop Briefcase, Case, and Strap

Congratulations to Roger Schreiber of, whose entry was chosen randomly in last week's DealBITS drawing and who received a Tom Bihn Empire Builder Briefcase, Brain Cell Hard-Sided Laptop Case, and Absolute Shoulder Strap, collectively worth $225

Adam Engst No comments

Take Control News/11-Jun-07

Solve Mac Problems with Our Latest Ebook -- It's always frustrating when your Mac fails to start up, kernel panics repeatedly, or starts acting strangely for no apparent reason

Adam Engst No comments

DealBITS Winners: BeLight Software’s Live Interior 3D

Congratulations to William Causey of, Susan Alles of, and Jeremy Meadows of, whose entries were chosen randomly in last week's DealBITS drawing and who received a copy of BeLight Software's Live Interior 3D, worth $79.95

Adam Engst No comments

Adam & Tonya Speaking at O’Reilly Tools of Change for Publishing

Around our dinner table, the tools, economics, standards, and future of publishing are topics of daily discussion. If you share our interest, I'd encourage you to join us at the upcoming O'Reilly Tools of Change for Publishing conference

Jeff Carlson No comments

TidBITS Staffers Honored in 2007 MacTech 25

Congratulations to my fellow TidBITS staffers - Adam Engst, Tonya Engst, Glenn Fleishman, Joe Kissell, and Matt Neuburg - who were included on the now-annual MacTech 25 list of most influential people in the Macintosh technical community (see "Adam & Tonya Engst Honored in MacTech 25," 2006-07-17)

Adam Engst No comments

DealBITS: Win a Tom Bihn Laptop Briefcase, Case, and Strap

In our very first DealBITS drawing in 2003, we gave away a Tom Bihn Brain Bag and laptop case; it remains one of our most popular drawings of all time, with nearly 1,300 entrants

Adam Engst No comments

DealBITS Winner: Tom Bihn Laptop Briefcase, Case, and Strap

Congratulations to TKTK of TKTK, whose entry was chosen randomly in last week's DealBITS drawing and who received a Tom Bihn Empire Builder Briefcase, Brain Cell Hard-Sided Laptop Case, and Absolute Shoulder Strap, collectively worth $225

Adam Engst No comments

DealBITS Drawing: BeLight Software’s Live Interior 3D

I imagine that for all of us, there are things we'd really like to do, but somehow have never found the opportunity. For me, one of those things is to create a 3D model of rooms in our house for the purpose of playing with furniture placement, remodeling plans, or honestly, just the fun of having a digital model of a real-world house