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Search results for “machack”

TidBITS Staff No comments

MacHack 2001 CD Now Available

Looking for a way to add windowshade capability to Mac OS X Finder windows? Or perhaps you need to run your Mac using just the top one-third of your monitor? The software for these and 80 other hacks are now available on the MacHack 2001 CD

Adam Engst No comments

MacHack 2001 Code Fragments

Last week I wrote about how Mac OS X fared at the MacHack developers conference, and I also looked at the results of the annual hack contest. However, MacHack is such an unusual conference that I can't resist passing on a few other amusing bits. Only in America -- Although MacHack brings over 300 people to the Holiday Inn Fairlane for the duration of the conference, there are often a few other guests who walk around looking bewildered at the high density of hackers and their Macintosh paraphernalia

Glenn Fleishman No comments

Wireless Fishbowls

AirPort security is dead. Not the airline terminal kind, but the built-in variety found in Apple's AirPort technology and other 802.11b (also known as Wi-Fi) wireless networking hardware from many different manufacturers

Adam Engst No comments

Wait, iRemember That!

The evolution of the computer is a tale of continually added capability, marked by the same fits and starts that are the hallmark of biological evolution

Adam Engst No comments

Sculpting Internet Traffic

As you may remember from back in April, we had to move a number of TidBITS servers from Geoff's suddenly darkened broadband connection to the relatively poky 56 Kbps frame relay connection at our old house in Seattle

TidBITS Staff No comments

Macworld Expo 2000 NY Other Superlatives

In addition to notable hardware and software products, there were a number of superlatives that just don't fit into standard categories - interesting booths, Web resources seen at the show, noteworthy events, or inspired handouts. Best Font Resource -- Since almost everything I do is online, I enjoy the aesthetics of fonts more than I actually use them, but I'm still impressed with, a Web site devoted to fonts that's clearly done by font aficionados

Adam Engst No comments

An ATypoKill Eudora Hack

As most of you know, I'm not a programmer - I can handle macros and was moderately accomplished with HyperCard scripts back in the early 1990s. But I still wanted to present a hack at the MacHack developers conference back in June, so I decided to do what I do best - gather information from a variety of sources and put it together in a useful form. Another Secret in Eudora -- A while back, I learned from Steve Dorner that the internal spell checker in Eudora 4.2 and later included a feature that he hadn't exposed

Adam Engst No comments

Apple Computer: At Your Service?

A number of unrelated events have recently brought the issue of repair service to the forefront of my mind. It's easy to ignore the topic because Macs are usually quite reliable

Adam Engst No comments

TidBITS T-Shirts… Finally!

My closet shelves are full, and I blame Guy Kawasaki. He's the one who declared that t-shirts were part of the development process for any computer product, and people listen to Guy

Adam Engst No comments

MacHack: The Ultimate Macintosh Event

Every so often, I feel like a total idiot. I've been reporting on the Macintosh industry for over nine years, and for the first few years, I vaguely knew there was a developer event called MacHack

Adam Engst No comments

The MacHack Hack Contest 1999

Most often, the primary news items that appear in the press after MacHack are the results of the Hack Contest, run by the MacHax Group at MacHack every year

Adam Engst 50 comments

Now Software Shuts Down

Sad news - Now Software, the makers of the venerable Now Up-to-Date & Contact event and contact management package and its Now X replacement, has suspended day-to-day operations and released all of the company's staff.

Adam Engst 26 comments

Twenty Years of Memories from Friends of TidBITS

With TidBITS turning 20, we asked many friends and colleagues about their history with our little newsletter. The number and quality of replies has been overwhelming, and we're thrilled to share them.

Adam Engst 3 comments

New MacTech Conference for IT Pros and Developers

If you're pining for the days of MacHack, C4, and the IT track at WWDC, the new MacTech Conference in November in Los Angeles should have the IT- and developer-focused sessions and networking you want.

Adam Engst


What happens when well-known open source proponent Eric Raymond meets 300 diehard Mac programmers at the annual MacHack developers conference: a butting of the heads or a meeting of the minds? Also this week, Ron…