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Series: Life Without Newton?!

A physician’s reflections on his indispensable MessagePad — and what comes next.

Ron Risley No comments

Reflections on Life without Newton

[Ron, a resident physician, uses a Newton to stay on top of the innumerable details that swarm through his life. We asked him to relate how he uses his PDA in the real world, and to share specifics on how he's customized his Newton MessagePad

Ron Risley No comments

What’s Next After Newton?

After publication of my article "Reflections on Life Without Newton" in TidBITS-418, I received many email messages with a common theme: "Your article confirmed that Newton technology is what I've been looking for, but in light of Apple's decision to stop Newton development, what should I do now?" [See "Newton Falls from Apple Tree" in TidBITS-419