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Series: VidBITS

We periodically hold staff roundtables to discuss some important topic of the day, or just something that’s been weighing on us. You can watch us on YouTube or download the audio to listen while driving or working out.

Adam Engst 2 comments

VidBITS:, Photo Sharing, and Excessive Reminders

Curious about Tune into as Glenn Fleishman explains it in this TidBITS staff meeting, held live on Google Hangouts On Air.

Adam Engst 2 comments

VidBITS: Election Tech, Intel Chips, and Beating Glenn

Watch the latest TidBITS staff roundtable to get our take on the role of technology in election coverage, how likely it is that Apple will switch away from Intel-based CPUs in Macs, and the products we’re investigating right now.

Adam Engst 5 comments

VidBITS: iTunes 11 and Comparing Antivirus Apps

Watch (or listen to) the latest TidBITS staff roundtable to get our take on the continuing story of iTunes 11 and the varying levels of accuracy among antivirus apps.

Adam Engst 14 comments

VidBITS: Ways that Apple Could Improve iOS

Watch (or listen to) the latest TidBITS staff roundtable to get our not-so-humble opinions about ways that Apple could improve iOS.

Adam Engst 5 comments

VidBITS: Why Do We Still Support Apple?

Watch (or listen) to the latest TidBITS staff roundtable for our thoughts on just why Apple has engendered such loyalty in the past, and continues to do so in today’s very different world.