In its ongoing effort to protect users’ privacy, Apple has built a series of related technologies into macOS 12 Monterey, iOS 15, and iPadOS 15. Unfortunately, they can cause network connectivity issues, such that you might want to disable one or more. Here is how we think they work.
Want to rely on iCloud Mail as your email provider but use a custom domain for your email address rather than,, or Apple has now opened up that feature for testing. Here’s what you need to know.
Please welcome our latest long-term TidBITS sponsor, easyDNS, the Canadian Internet company that we have long used for DNS hosting and management, and now rely on for email services.
The domain name system is largely insecure, leaking information and subject to compromise. New services from Cloudflare and Quad9 could provide greater security and integrity than Google Public DNS, currently the best known public DNS service.