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1Password 8.9.8

AgileBits has issued 1Password 8.9.8, a maintenance update with improvements and bug fixes for the password manager. The release speeds up the unlock animation, improves screen reader support for the pop-up you see when moving items to a different vault, resolves an issue where the password field on the lock screen wouldn’t always be in focus, improves scanning of QR codes when setting up a one-time password field, adjusts the size of items shown in pop-up menus, addresses some issues related to the alphabetical sorting of items when symbols are included at the beginning of the title, and fixes a bug that caused the Manage Accounts window to be slow. ($35.88 annual subscription from AgileBitsTidBITS members setting up new accounts receive 6 months free, free update, 2.9 MB installer download, release notes, macOS 10.15+)

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Comments About 1Password 8.9.8

Notable Replies

  1. I’ve used 1Password for years. And my husband and I have a shared vault, so we can see each other’s logins.

    I hate this product now. Hate, hate, hate it. I also hate the browser extension. They totally changed the UI and made it impossible for me to use in Chrome. (An example: the prompt popup completely obliterates what I see in the field.) Yes, I complained to 1Password people already.

    I’m looking for a new password manager and am open to suggestions. Thanks in advance.

  2. Check out Enpass:

    It has a few significant flaws but overall, I haven’t regretted a second of leaving 1Password behind and using Enpass (and the fact that it offers fairly seamless transfer of existing passwords helps!).

  3. Oh, and there are many discussions here on TidBITS on 1Password and its “evolution” etc., in case you haven’t searched for those yet…

  4. You’ll probably get lots of suggestions (as @mark4 says, it’s been discussed here a lot), but I’ll put in my plug for LastPass. Used it for years, won’t say it’s perfect, but it meets my needs.

  5. I’m looking for a new password manager and am open to suggestions

    I’m with you. Using v7 until it breaks with macOS upgrade and then I will go to Enpass…it’s got all of the good stuff from 1PW and none of the v8 issues.

  6. Could you briefly summarize the flaws?

  7. Some of the edit boxes (such as the password box itself) for items/passwords are not standard i.e. existing text is not selectable, so you have to make edits “command line style” (such as positioning cursor at end of line, then backspacing to delete individual characters). Can be very annoying when updating info for a given item, but I think you can try it out for yourself in a demo version to see if it bothers you.

    I requested support help (via email) when trying to activate copies of Enpass on a second computer and on my iPhone, but the code generated by Enpass (corporate) repeatedly timed out before I could activate (we’re talking a matter of seconds). I’ve forgotten details of what was going on and how I eventually fixed it (which I did), but I haven’t forgotten that Enpass support personnel offered, essentially, no support, which was vexing. I haven’t had a reason to contact them since. The original problem may have been caused by my slow/cruddy internet connection, and Enpass’s support center seems to be overseas.

    In retrospect, “significant flaws” might be a bit of an overstatement. I still recommend Enpass, especially with respect to 1Password, which I used from an early version (2 or 3) through 7.

  8. Thanks for the additional information, which is helpful.

    I agree that the flaws themselves may not have been so significant, but I find the lack of support you experienced troubling.

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