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Agenda 12

Momenta has released version 12 of its Agenda date-focused note-taking app, adding the capability to insert tables into your notes. The new tables feature (type |||—three pipes—as the text shortcut) also enables you to add and remove columns and rows, use inline styles like bold and italic, and add horizontal rules to divide up your notes. The update also splits up the Note menu to show a separate Insert menu, displays the paragraph dot for empty notes, resolves an issue with window traffic light buttons disappearing after the macOS 11.1 Big Sur update, fixes a bug where the note would stop editing when switching between apps, and addresses a crash that occurred with switching projects or choosing Show Project in an overview. (Free with $24.99 in-app premium feature purchase, free update, 64.6 MB, release notes, macOS 10.12+)

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