Airfoil 5.6
Rogue Amoeba has released Airfoil 5.6, restoring full compatibility with all versions of Apple TV and supporting all security modes (Password, Passcode, First-Time Passcode, and Device Verification). In April, the company released the Airfoil Satellite TV app as a workaround for streaming audio to the fourth-generation Apple TV, but that app shouldn’t be needed now (see this Rogue Amoeba blog post for more details).
The wireless audio broadcasting app also fixes a critical bug that could cause the local Computer output to lose sync, updates Instant On to version 8.4.2, improves the audio capture backend (now used by default when Instant On is installed), and ensures that Airfoil Satellite activates more reliably when you press the Show hotkey. ($29 new with a 20 percent discount for TidBITS members, free update, 14.3 MB, release notes, 10.9+)