BBEdit 10.5.1
Bare Bones Software has released BBEdit 10.5.1, a maintenance release devoted exclusively to fixes after the recent release of 10.5 (see “BBEdit 10.5 Adds Versions and Brings Web Sites into Projects,” 4 December 2012). Amongst the voluminous bug squashes listed in the often humorous release notes, the update ensures the Markup menu’s H1 through H6 commands render the correct heading level, fixes a bug that would reinstall command line tools if they were already present and up to date, adjusts behavior for the clippings system to avoid a crash at startup,
corrects line spacing for printed documents, and fixes a bug in which attributes couldn’t be removed from existing markup by using the Markup Builder panel. ($49.99 new from Bare Bones or the Mac App Store, free update, $39.99 upgrade from pre-10 versions, 12.6 MB)