BBEdit 11.1.1
Bare Bones Software has issued BBEdit 11.1.1, a compact maintenance release for the venerable text editor. The update fixes a crash that would occur on OS X 10.9 Mavericks when using Save As on a document in the front window, includes language keywords when generating completions for predefined names, resolves a bug in which custom color schemes were written out incorrectly, fixes an issue that prevented certain clipping names (such as !important) from being autocompleted in CSS, fixes a few small memory leaks, and blocks the Silverlight plug-in to prevent BBEdit from crashing. ($49.99, free update, 11.5 MB, release notes, 10.8.5+)
I know that TidBits appreciates BBEDdit. As a relative newbie to DTP I've never considered BBEdit in my limited simple world of newsletters and photo essays.
I was getting a bit more ambitious recently, wanting a multiple-page, multi-fold real-life foldable print issue far beyond the new Pages (which is not really a DTP any more)... MS Publisher from ten years ago can still beat the pants over anything the new Pages can offer.
When I contacted BB for enlightenment re my multi-page multi foild attempt there was a zero reply – twice.
BB may be well suited to TidBits and the way they know how to tweak it. But it may not necessarily be ready for release to the general public.
You may have some misconceptions about BBEdit, Wieland. It's a plain text editor for writing, creating HTML, and coding. If you're interested in desktop publishing, it's utterly the wrong tool. We rely on it heavily for writing and editing text, but that's because our text goes into content management systems that do the formatting and display for the Web.
For desktop publishing, the king of the hill is InDesign, and QuarkXPress is still around as well. If those two are overkill (as they often are), there are simpler programs like Belight Software's Swift Publisher, and below that in capabilities are the word processors like Microsoft Word, Pages, and Nisus Writer Pro.
I mis-interpreted BBEdit's raison d'ètre.
Thank you for your clarification, Adam.