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BBEdit 12.5

Jumping up from version 12.1.6, Bare Bones Software has released BBEdit 12.5 with a novella-sized list of additions and bug fixes for the long-standing text editor. At the top of the list, the update adds a Commands item to the Go menu, which displays a modal panel that lists everything that you can choose from a menu in BBEdit: commands, clippings, scripts, stationery, text filters, and even open text documents and recent files. BBEdit 12.5 also gains the capability to generate Lorem Ipsum placeholder text, adds support for grep patterns to the Canonize command (useful for doing batch search-and-replace operations in a file), no longer uses Consolas for BBEdit as the default font setting (and removes it from the application package), and improves window adornments to blend better with the editing view when using a dark color scheme. BBEdit 12.5 now requires macOS 10.12.6 Sierra or later ($49.99 new, free update, 13.0 MB, release notes, macOS 10.12.6+)

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Comments About BBEdit 12.5

Notable Replies

  1. I got a consistent crash: Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (Code Signature Invalid)
    from the update app when trying to update from the “Check for updates” option in the BBEdit menu of 12.1.5. Downloaded the installer for 12.5 from the website and did a new install, but haven’t had a chance to try the new app yet.

  2. That’s freaky—did you report it to BBEdit support? Rich and company are usually really quick to respond.

  3. I didn’t report to BBEdit support, but saved the auto-generated Apple crash report, so still may.


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