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Bookends 15.0.2

Sonny Software has released Bookends 15.0.2, adding barcode scanning capabilities to the reference management tool. You can use your Mac’s camera to scan ISBN barcodes, which enables you to import metadata and cover art found in Google Books (requires macOS 10.14 Mojave or later). The update also enables automatic initiation of cloud sync for new libraries, lets you create multiple timestamped library backups automatically and on-demand, adds Cited By and Cited In toolbar buttons, addresses a cosmetic bug in full-screen view when the PDF display pane contains an image, fixes an error caused by double-clicking an empty reference list, and resolves crash that could occur when pressing Command-C while the PDF annotation popover was open. ($74.99 new with a 25% discount for TidBITS members, $49.99 upgrade, free update for version 15 users, 114.3 MB, release notes, macOS 10.13+)

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