BusyCal 1.1.2
Those with long-standing birthday events in BusyMac’s BusyCal will appreciate version 1.1.2, which now calculates birthdays before 1940 correctly when running in 32-bit mode. That’s obscure, as is changing the Decade date range in List View to 2001-2010, but more welcome are fixes for crashing bugs that could bite when resizing events in the Week view, if an edit and conflict occurred at the same time, and if a calendar didn’t have a name. Also improved is BusyCal’s handling of deleted Google calendar feeds. ($40 new, free update, 6 MB)
Busy Cal is a superior software when compared to iCal. But the latter does give you the option of showing the month's calendar. Busy Cal doesn't but it has a lot of vacant screen space in the lower left corner. How hard can that be to correct this omission when you closet competitor is so far behind!!
Busy Cal does too give you the option of showing month calendars in the lower left in the latest versions. Click the little calendar icon at the lower left.