Camino 2.1.1
The Camino Project has released version 2.1.1 of its eponymous open-source Web browser, which includes a number of updates and fixes. The release includes an upgraded Mozilla Gecko rendering engine ( and now blocks older versions of Adobe Flash Player 10 and 11 (previous to the currently available and releases, respectively) due to security issues. The update also includes several tweaks for using AppleScript scripts, correctly checks for the presence of a Java plug-in on Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, and provides several other fixes. (Free, 18.5 MB, release notes)
> now blocks older versions of Adobe Flash Player 10 and 11 ( and and earlier, respectively)
I checked Adobe's site, but and seem to be the current versions. Are there newer versions somewhere (that would make those versions "older")? Or, does Camino 2.1.1 block the _current_ versions of Adobe Flash Player?