Carbon Copy Cloner 3.5.2
Bombich Software has released Carbon Copy Cloner 3.5.2 with a change in notification support for OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion users, shifting from Growl to Notification Center. (Mike Bombich details the reasons for the switch and offers a workaround to generate Growl notifications before or after scheduled backups.) The update improves handling MacFUSE filesystems, displays a “bread crumb”-style indicator of the path to the folder selected as a source or destination, improves how Carbon Copy Cloner prevents a system from going to sleep during a backup, and fixes an issue with the OS
X 10.8.2 Supplemental Update that prevented a backup from taking place. Additionally, the system requirements for a remote Mac are now the same as those for your Mac running Carbon Copy Cloner — notably, backing up to a PowerPC-based Mac won’t work anymore. ($39.95 new, free update, 10.7 MB, release notes)
Years ago, the CCC developer put on his public "to do" list the ability to edit the backup/don't-backup file list attached to previously scheduled (typically recurring) backup tasks. You can retroactively alter a few minor configuration items for such tasks, but that's not the same thing.
AFAIK this still hasn't happened -- in fact you can't even see a read-only version of what's scheduled to be backed up -- and this is what stops me from buying this program.
If I'm mistaken and this ability has been added, please let me know. I'd also be interested to hear which competing backup programs are generally similar to CCC (probably front-ends to rsync) but that do have this ability. Thanks.
I'm not certain if this feature is in the current version of Carbon Copy Cloner, since I haven't used it for a while, but I'm pretty sure SuperDuper does this, with its scripts.