Carbon Copy Cloner 6.0.3
Bombich Software has issued Carbon Copy Cloner 6.0.3 (CCC), a maintenance update for the drive-cloning and backup utility with bug fixes and improvements. The release resolves an issue in which CCC was unable to replace a folder on the destination with a symbolic link, improves handling of cases where a source NAS presents a symlink as an ordinary file, ensures SafetyNet pruning settings are consistently visible for HFS+ formatted destinations, improves the handling of manual sort order changes of the Tasks list, fixes a bug that could cause slow performance during postflight re-verification of files, and addresses a rendering issue for the Task Plan text in macOS 12 Monterey. ($39.99 new, free update, 19.7 MB, release notes, macOS 10.15+)
I saw something when I updated CCC today that I had not seen before. When I first installed CCC 6, the upgrade process allowed me to have both CCC 5 and 6 on my computer, to make it easy to backtrack if CCC 6 didn’t work. It’s been several months since I did that. I’ve had no significant issues with CCC 6 and had forgotten that CCC 5 was still on the iMac.
So, after the update was completed, a dialog box opened asking if I wanted to remove CCC 5. I said yes. I assume it did a clean uninstall.
So, Mike, thanks for helping declutter my computer!