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ChronoSync 4.9.5 and ChronoAgent 1.9.3

Econ Technologies has released ChronoSync 4.9.5 and ChronoAgent 1.9.3, optimizing both for macOS 10.15 Catalina and its split system/data volumes. ChronoSync adds support for archiving over Backblaze B2 connections, properly handles firmlinks in Bootable Backup, brings support for APFS Volume Groups to the Bootable Backup Assistant, implements a new Volume Group Converter utility that allows a single APFS volume to be converted to an APFS Volume Group in Catalina, and improves volume detection and mounting efficiency. It also fixes bugs in the False Mount Point Detection Readiness Test, the Validator, and the SFTP storage provider.

ChronoAgent gains Internet-based registration functionality, adds support for new InterConneX client capabilities that allow package file counts and data size to be reported more accurately, and displays the preference pane in Dark mode if selected. Both apps modify their Full Disk Access detection logic for Catalina. ($49.99 new for ChronoSync with a 20% discount for TidBITS members, free update, 67 MB, release notes, macOS 10.11+; $14.99 new for ChronoAgent, 26.6 MB, release notes, 10.10+)

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