Cocktail 4.7.5
Maintain has released a minor update to its general-purpose maintenance utility Cocktail. Version 4.7.5 adds support for the recently released Mac OS X 10.6.4, improves the Internet cache-clearing capabilities, and adds support for the latest versions of Safari, Chrome, Opera, and OmniWeb. The update also enhances its protection against the HellRTS and OpinionSpy trojan horses, updates the list of Automator actions, and refreshes the Help section. ($14.95, free update, 2.0 MB)
When setting up a new Mac OS X system this is always one of the first apps I install. The dev team at Maintain does a great job at keeping this utility up to date.
I do think that Cocktail (the name is also well thought!) is a very good program; the way it seems to function allows one to go item by item, or as a englobing piece. Simple, never had problem, and updated on a rather frequent schedule, as Mac OS demands it…