DEVONagent Pro 3.11.8
DEVONtechnologies has updated all three editions of its DEVONagent research software (Lite, Express, and Pro) to version 3.11.8. All three titles gain a new plug-in for querying the Ecosia search engine, which uses its profits to invest in tree-planting programs. For more focused search results with Google and Web plug-ins, DEVONagent now uses verbatim searches and proximity searches (e.g., using the NEAR operator) to produce better results. DEVONagent Pro no longer plays audio and video files automatically when a page is loaded, updates the text color to improve contrast, adds support for importing larger Web histories from Safari (or using the History plug-in), makes AppleScript and JavaScript for Automation (JXA) more reliable, fixes a bug that caused a crash after pop-ups automatically opened and closed, and ensures that the action button appears correctly in the latest versions of macOS. (All updates are free. DEVONagent Lite, free; DEVONagent Express, $4.95 new; DEVONagent Pro, $49.95 new with a 25% discount for TidBITS members; various sizes; release notes available in the Help menu; macOS 10.14+)
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