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DEVONthink 3.8.1

DEVONtechnologies has released DEVONthink 3.8.1 with a variety of small improvements: cross-linking, searching, clipping, Markdown handling, and PDF annotating. The release retains more content than before when clipping Web sites with dynamic content, adds an option to download images automatically when clipping Web pages as Markdown, improves synchronization, adds a new Document section to the Tools menu (where the Rotate and Flip commands now reside in a submenu), ensures indexed files and folders located in cloud folders are not deleted by the synchronization (only references to indexed items inside the database are removed), updates the Mail plug-in for macOS 12 Monterey, and improves support for EPUB files. ($99 new for DEVONthink, $199 for DEVONthink Pro, and $499 for DEVONthink Server with a 15% discount for TidBITS members; free update; 137 MB; macOS 10.11.5+)

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