DEVONthink 3.9.2
DEVONtechnologies has released DEVONthink 3.9.2 with an improved clutter-free Web capture option that supports iframes and very large files, keeps curly quotes, and no longer filters lists containing only links. The maintenance update for the document and information manager improves the reliability of detecting PDFs that may be corrupted by the PDFKit framework, improves document conversions (rich text documents to Markdown; HTML or formatted notes to PDF or rich text), fixes a crash that occurred when accessing contacts imported as links in macOS 13 Ventura, ensures bookmarks linking to groups behave correctly, and improves Dropbox sync handling in cases where there’s insufficient space reported. DEVONthink Pro users receive an updated OCR engine that fixes a crash on M-series Macs caused by scanned PDFs having no creation date. ($99 new for DEVONthink, $199 for DEVONthink Pro, and $499 for DEVONthink Server with a 15% discount for TidBITS members; free update; release notes; 135 MB; macOS 10.14+)
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