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DEVONthink 3.9.7

DEVONtechnologies has issued DEVONthink 3.9.7 with application scripts for Google Chrome and a new script that adds the current Safari tab to DEVONthink’s Reading List. The document and information manager also adds support for inserting a media file or PDF document into Markdown as a transcluded file, displays Markdown blockquotes more consistently between WYSIWYG and the rendered view, ensures that Web pages with lazily loaded images are more reliably clipped, now shows the window title along with Icon only toolbar mode in macOS 15 Sequoia, updates the Document inspectors more efficiently while editing or annotating a document, fixes a bug where RSS articles converted to Markdown gathered images but didn’t update the Markdown source, resolves a crash caused by an invalid wildcard in a search, and now requires macOS 11 Big Sur or later. ($99 new for DEVONthink, $199 for DEVONthink Pro, and $499 for DEVONthink Server with a 15% discount for TidBITS members; free update; release notes (hover over the version number); 125.9 MB; macOS 11+)

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