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DEVONthink 3.0 Public Beta 5

DEVONtechnologies has issued the fifth public beta of the DEVONthink 3 information management app, improving the transition from DEVONthink 2 Pro and Pro Office by copying the Global Inbox from the previous release on the first launch. The update also adds a Remove All Tags action to smart rules and batch processing; adds contextual menus to the Import sidebar; minimizes flickering in Dark mode when previewing EPUBs, formatted notes, and Markdown documents; resolves an issue with displaying invisible characters in plain and rich text documents; and fixes a bug that caused inserted or pasted PDF pages to be blank.

The DEVONthink 3.0 public beta is free to use, but you’ll need a valid license key after the public beta phase has ended, as well as for accessing email archiving and text recognition capabilities beyond the trial limits. ($99 new for DEVONthink, $199 for DEVONthink Pro, and $499 for DEVONthink Server with a 15% discount for TidBITS members; upgrade pricing available; 90.5 MB; macOS 10.11+)

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