DEVONthink and DEVONnote 2.4.3
DEVONtechnologies has updated all three editions of DEVONthink (Personal, Pro, and Pro Office) plus DEVONnote to version 2.4.3, improving support for the OpenMeta standard for exchanging tagged files. The Pro and Pro Office editions also receive improvements in synchronizing OpenMeta tags using AppleScript as well as bring back the capability of opening more than 25 databases concurrently. The Pro Office edition improves 64-bit support and compatibility with Mac OS X 10.7 Lion and 10.8 Mountain Lion. All three editions of DEVONthink can now display FreeMind mind-maps using Quick Look, improve the
Sorter’s Take Note panel to handle images better, and include a new introductory video. Additionally, all three DEVONthink editions and DEVONnote now enable you to use the left and right arrow keys to expand and collapse multiple items in all lists and outlines. (All updates are free. DEVONthink Pro Office, $149.95 new; DEVONthink Professional, $79.95 new; DEVONthink Personal, $49.95 new, release notes; DEVONnote, $24.95 new, release notes; 25-percent discount for TidBITS members on DEVONnote
and all editions of DEVONthink)