DEVONthink/DEVONnote 2.11.2
DEVONtechnologies has updated all three editions of DEVONthink (Personal, Pro, and Pro Office) and DEVONnote to version 2.11.2, focusing on improving overall reliability. All four titles address a sporadic crash when accessing the Preferences window in macOS 10.14 Mojave, ensure the URL is now captured when clipping from the Vivaldi and Brave Web browsers, improve caching to speed up resolving links, fix a bug that prevented certain Word documents from being imported, and resolve an issue where RTFD files were incorrectly reported as missing.
The three DEVONthink editions add support for indexing Open Packaging Format (OPF) container files, improve the reliability of using Spotlight metadata importers, free up local iCloud disk space as soon as possible after syncing to iCloud, improve support for indexed Google Drive files and folders, and resolve a crash related to monitoring iCloud. (All updates are free. DEVONthink Pro Office, $149.95 new, release notes; DEVONthink Professional, $79.95 new, release notes; DEVONthink Personal, $49.95 new, release notes; DEVONnote, $24.95 new, release notes. 25% discount for TidBITS members. macOS 10.10+)
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