DEVONthink/DEVONnote 2.8.11
DEVONtechnologies has updated all three editions of DEVONthink (Personal, Pro, and Pro Office) and DEVONnote to version 2.8.11, revising the view/edit pane so that it shows icons for documents that cannot be displayed and disabling font tightening in OS X 10.11 El Capitan. The three DEVONthink editions compress video thumbnails as JPEG files to reduce file size by 75 percent, improve memory usage, remove a redundant full-screen menu item inserted by OS X, and no longer activate automatically opened panels by default. The Pro and Pro Office editions improve compatibility with RSS 1.0 news feeds.
The Pro Office edition also receives a rewritten OCR metadata entry panel, which can be resized and enables you to browse all pages of a PDF. Within it, you can select and copy text or use the contextual menu for more options. (All updates are free. DEVONthink Pro Office, $149.95 new, release notes; DEVONthink Professional, $79.95 new, release notes; DEVONthink Personal, $49.95 new, release notes; DEVONnote, $24.95 new, release notes; 25 percent discount for TidBITS members on all editions of DEVONthink and DEVONnote. 10.7.5+)