Fantastical 2.4.3
Flexibits has released Fantastical 2.4.3 to add support for the company’s new Cardhop contacts app (see “Cardhop Puts Contacts Front and Center,” 18 October 2017). With Cardhop installed, viewing a person’s contact details from an invitation, birthday, or anniversary in Fantastical’s calendar now shows the contact in Cardhop. Fantastical also adds an option to skip empty days for Day and List views when printing multiple days and fixes a potential crash when using AppleScript to add items. ($49.99 new from Flexibits and the Mac App Store, free update, 14.4 MB, release notes, 10.11+)
As with all apps that contain a lot of data, there must be a way to export existing contact data to a new app. If not, purchasing another contacts app is as bad an idea as a new Microsoft WORD not opening any file in which you in the past placed a slash unless you can find the file and remove the slash.
Fantastical uses the same system-level event database as Apple's Calendar, just as Flexibits's new Cardhop app uses the same system-level contact database as Apple's Contacts. There's no issue with moving data between apps.
Thank you.