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Fantastical 3.3.5

Flexibits has issued Fantastical 3.3.5, a maintenance release for the calendar app with a variety of improvements and bug fixes. The update adds an option to enable a waiting room when creating Zoom meetings, enables invitees to be sorted by acceptance state and name, adds support for conferences, improves conference call detection, resolves an issue where the due date of tasks from Reminders might not match what is shown in the Reminders app, fixes a bug that prevented users from joining some BlueJeans meetings, addresses an issue where event notifications that were swiped away in macOS 11 Big Sur could reappear, and fixes a bug where the menu bar item wouldn’t update to show the number of remaining events. ($39.99 annual subscription from Flexibits and the Mac App Store, free update, 41.8 MB, release notes, macOS 10.13.2+)

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Comments About Fantastical 3.3.5

Notable Replies

  1. Anybody wants to discuss Busycal vs Fantastical in an article?
    Any plans from TidBits leaders to negotiate a good deal on these programmes for TidBits Members? :slight_smile:

  2. Good suggestion—I’ll reach out to the developers. :slight_smile:

    Currently, I’m using and liking Fantastical a lot. BusyCal is still great, and I far prefer it to Apple’s Calendar, but it hasn’t been innovating to the same level.

  3. Thanks Adam. Yes I had the same feeling from busycal which is too bad because the programme was great. Some changes to Apple’s own Calendar under Big Sur are really annoying (e.g no possibility to snooze for another period of time than the default) and definitely call for a replacement :wink:
    I would be curious to hear from other Tidbits Members especially those who also use OmniFocus for their to-do / GTD etc.

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