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Fantastical 3.8.19 and Cardhop 2.2.18

Flexibits has released the bundled calendar app Fantastical 3.8.19 and the contact management app Cardhop 2.2.18. Fantastical improves accessibility support for the Openings Editor, ensures that a full resync of Todoist accounts includes completed tasks, makes it easier to view and copy your account encryption key, resolves an issue that caused changes to a recurring event’s category on Exchange to apply to the entire series incorrectly, and fixes a bug that made overdue tasks with duration invisible.

Cardhop’s contact card design gets a refresh, and the release displays the Me Contact Card at the top of the all contacts list, improves search performance for users with many long notes, fixes a problem where typing in the nickname field led to unexpected results, resolves an issue where Cardhop suggested duplicate relationships, and fixes a bug that could cause a crash when adding a new social profile to a contact. ($56.99 annual subscription includes both from Flexibits and the Mac App Store, free updates, 66.1/30.2 MB, Fantastical release notes/Cardhop release notes, macOS 11+)

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