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Fantastical 3.8.20 and Cardhop 2.2.19

Flexibits has updated its bundled calendar and contact apps Fantastical 3.8.20 and Cardhop 2.2.19. Fantastical gains new RSVP features, enabling you to invite others to an event with control over response types, number of participants, and registration deadlines. The update also improves the Tasks view to let you quickly focus on a single list, enables you to hide or unhide a mixed selection of hidden/unhidden items, improves combining events that contain Microsoft Teams meetings, exposes each invitee response status in the event detail screen to VoiceOver for better accessibility, fixes a bug that prevented an attachment to a Microsoft 365 event from showing when it had finished uploading, and resolves an issue that prevented notifications from being cleared correctly past the end time of an event. Cardhop fixes an issue where the contact popover was too large when creating a new contact using Command-N. ($56.99 annual subscription includes both from Flexibits and the Mac App Store, free updates, 67.5/30.2 MB, Fantastical release notes/Cardhop release notes, macOS 11+)

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