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FastScripts 3.3.1

Red Sweater Software released FastScripts 3.3 with new Mouse Automation scripting additions for moving, clicking, and dragging the mouse. The macOS scripting utility restored keyboard shortcuts for arrow navigation and deletion in the search field, fixed a bug that prevented the search field from receiving focus the first time the menu was displayed, resolved an issue that prevented the “Open at login” checkbox from accurately reflecting the status, addressed a possible crash when typing certain keystrokes in the Keyboard Shortcuts preference pane, and improved the built-in crash reporter to detect crashes in script runner processes. Shortly after this release, version 3.3.1 was issued to fix an issue that prevented “invoke script” from working reliably with parameters and ensure the crash reporter is no longer presented for script tasks that the user intentionally killed. (Free or $39.95 for premium features, $19.95 upgrade, 4.8 MB, release notes, macOS 10.15+)

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