Firefox 6.0.2
Mozilla has released Firefox 6.0.2 to remove additional DigiNotar-issued SSL certificates. According to a Mozilla blog post, DigiNotar, the Dutch certificate authority that was used by an Iranian hacker to issue fraudulent SSL certificates, also issued some certificates used by the Dutch government. The Dutch government’s initial assessment indicated that those certificates were still trustworthy, so Mozilla exempted them from Firefox 6.0.1’s removal of DigiNotar root certificates. After an audit of DigiNotar, the Dutch government rescinded that initial assessment of trust, so Mozilla has now
removed all DigiNotar certificates from Firefox. Google has updated Chrome (which happens automatically), and Apple has now released Security Update 2011-005 to protect Safari users (it’s also possible to excise the DigiNotar certificates from your base keychain if you’re not yet in a position to apply Apple’s update). Firefox users should update to 6.0.2 to avoid the real-world exploits based on these fraudulent certificates. (Free, 28.1 MB, release notes)