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Firefox 87

Mozilla has issued Firefox 87, adding full support for Apple’s VoiceOver screen reader. While Firefox for Windows, Linux, Android, and iOS all work with the included screen readers on those platforms, VoiceOver support on the Mac has been absent until now, apart from a developer preview. Firefox 87 now supports all the most common VoiceOver features. The update also introduces SmartBlock, a new intelligent tracker blocking mechanism for Firefox Private Browsing and Strict Mode. SmartBlock provides stand-in scripts so websites load properly and aren’t broken by Firefox’s tracking protections. The release also trims path and query string information from referrer headers to prevent sites from accidentally leaking sensitive user data and adds keyboard controls for audio when viewing videos. (Free, 126 MB, release notes, macOS 10.12+)

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Comments About Firefox 87

Notable Replies

  1. The most important new feature in this version is the search occurrence indicator in scroll bar if “Highlight All” is checked.

    This is long awaited feature.

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