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Gemini 2

MacPaw has released Gemini 2, a major new version of the duplicate file finder utility. In addition to detecting exact duplicates of apps, images, documents, videos, and audio files on your Mac, Gemini 2 can now find “similars” — files that are not 100 percent identical but that could be considered redundant. That might include photos shot from slightly different angles or different file formats of the same song. After scanning, Gemini 2 displays similar files, enabling you to compare them and then decide which to keep.

This new release applies a Smart Selection algorithm that remembers rules for files removal, works with iTunes and Photos libraries, and enables you to retrieve a previous scanning session (rather than start a new one from scratch). Regularly priced at $19.95, MacPaw is offering a 50 percent discount on Gemini 2 through 18 May 2016 (as well as the rest of its software titles, including CleanMyMac, CleanMyDrive, Hider, and Encrypto). An upgrade from any previous license costs $9.97, and upgrades purchased through 18 May 2016 receive a second
complimentary gift license. ($19.95 new from MacPaw and the Mac App Store, $9.97 upgrade, 34.8 MB, release notes, 10.10+)

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