HoudahGeo 6.1
Houdah Software has issued HoudahGeo 6.1, a maintenance release bringing several improvements to the photo geotagging app. The update adds support for more variants of the KESTREL CSV weather log file format; enables you to import weather, water depth, and temperature information data from GPX files; now works with Aperture versions modified by Retroactive to run in macOS 10.15 Catalina and macOS 11 Big Sur; adds support for Lightroom libraries set up with symbolic links to preview files; reads malformed XMP sidecar files created by the Export Originals function in Photos; and corrects the width of the media browser and inspector panes when switching between processing steps. ($39 new with a 25% discount for TidBITS members, $24 upgrade, free update from version 6, 27.2 MB, release notes, 10.14+)
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