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iMovie 10.1.15

Apple has released iMovie 10.1.15, adding five new filters (Comic, Comic Mono, Comic Vintage, Comic Sepia, and Ink) to give your movies a more hand-drawn look. The iOS edition of iMovie has been updated to version 2.2.10 to include the Comic, Comic Mono, and Ink filters, and the macOS version adds support for importing projects with those three filters. The update also improves overall stability, as usual. (Free from the Mac App Store, 2.1 GB, 10.15.6+)

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Comments About iMovie 10.1.15

Notable Replies

  1. Despite Agen’s notation " (Free from the Mac App Store, 2.1 GB, 10.14.6+)", the App Store says “Requires macOS 10.15.6 or later.”

  2. Thanks, that’s updated now.

  3. Well, when I go to the App Store and try to download iMovie running it won’t do it to a Mini running Mojave! Help?

  4. I’m not sure what you mean here. iMovie 10.1.15 requires the latest version of Catalina, so of course you can’t download it to a Mojave Mac. You’ll have to stick with 10.1.14.

  5. I mean that it is less than obvious obvious where to go to download 10.1.14!

  6. I’ve found the same thing. If you use the App Store and your computer/device isn’t compatible with the latest version, it should offer to let you download and install the latest version that is compatible.

  7. I agree with everything you say here. Unfortunately, when I hit the link you provided, it took me to a Post from Feb 27, 2018 1:10 PM which offered absolutely NO useful information.

  8. Once again someone says what "should happen; but this ISN’T what does happen. If you attempt to download and you are running Mojave, the site blocks the incompatible download (as it should), but there is NO further option or reference as to how or where an “official” source of the earlier software resides for direct download.

    It is not unusual for those who “live” on the bleeding edge of available hardware/software to simply accept the fact that it may take days or weeks to find a “safe” download source; but that’s not the “real world” those of us who aren’t professional geeks live in.

    We live in a “real world” where sometimes the best we can do is try to “manage risk” since there’s NO WAY to ever totally eliminate it and we choose to be most heavily “invested” (timewise) in day to day functioning. That frequently forces compromises that are not idea.

  9. Adam,

    In the vein that those complaining wiithout suggestions for improvement waste everyone’s time, I would ask this…

    We have https as a supposedly “more secure” venue for financially critical, etc. communiication. Why the heck hasn’t some wizard come up with an equivalent option for the unique and specific purpose of being able to download software, etc. that has been verified as “clean” without malware hooking a ride OR that is “delayed” during download such that the end result can be verified as “clean” before the recipient installs same? Just askin’…

  10. Most of what you are asking for is provided by the Mac App Store, since that’s the venue under discussion here. What seemingly cannot be guaranteed at the moment is that the genuine app is free from malware, given that the App Store has recently twice allowed notarized apps to include the Shlayer malware. Apple Accidentally Approved Malware to Run on MacOS | WIRED

    And software downloaded from a developer’s site can be verified as original when the developer provides the downloaded with the hash value of the software they posted to their download site. If somebody hacks the site (as happened with OnyX in the past) and substitutes malware, the hash won’t match.

    But if the developer has chosen to include malware with their app for whatever reason, the only defense is to run anti-malware software in the background in hopes that it will catch any infected download before you can install it.

  11. Hi Al,

    Well, we have come full circle. I originally went to the App Store, which only offers the latest version. I can understand why an incorrect download is prevented, What I con’r understand is why APPLE, in their exclusive “kingdom” did not refer me to the correct place to get iMovie for Mojave.

    In the absence of that information I found a site which purported to have what I needed, and shared that knowledge. After being chastized for using an unauthorized download site, I have a download I am not comfortable using, and NONE of the good people here have actually bother to tell me WHERE an “authorized” copy of a Mojave-compatible iMovie version can be safely downloaded.

    Yes, at this point I’m getting a little prickly.


  12. David did tell you where and how it is supposed to work when he told you to get it from the App Store, but for whatever reason that does not work.

    As far as my initial response, I thought after all this time (iMovie 10.1 was released on October 13, 2015) you must already have iMovie 10.1.14. Since the App Store is the only authorized source, you’ll have to ask Apple why you are no longer able to obtain it there.

  13. That’s very strange. I’m running a very old copy of macOS (Sierra), and I’ve seen this many times when reinstalling apps, both from Apple and third-party, from the App Store.

    If this isn’t working for iMovie, then the last Mojave-compatible version may no longer be on the server. I don’t know why Apple would have removed it, but that’s certainly a possibility.

    Is this a re-download or a new purchase? iMovie is not a free app, despite the fact that Apple bundles it with new hardware. When you set up a new Mac for the first time (if I remember correctly), you are prompted to add the bundled apps to an iCloud account. If you try to download from some other account, it will have to be purchased. Perhaps the ability to install the most-recent-compatible version only applies to reinstallations and not new purchases.

  14. It sounds like the recommended process in that thread, which is what people subsequently reiterated here, isn’t working for you. Why that’s the case is a good question.

    As @alvarnell noted, that’s exactly what Apple’s trying to do with the Mac App Store, and with a lot of other foundational technologies in macOS like GateKeeper, developer certificates, notarization, and so on.

    The fact that the Mac App Store isn’t working as it should for you falls into the category of a problem or a bug, but it is designed to address exactly the issues you raise.

    Now, now, I didn’t chastise you. I merely said:

    I would be VERY leery of downloading Apple software from random sites on the Web.

    And that’s absolutely the case. I would never recommend such a practice to anyone. You’re certainly welcome to do it, but you should be aware that it comes with increased risk.

    Everyone here is just trying to help, and sharing what we all believe to be the answer to your situation. But only Apple controls the Mac App Store and its associated downloads, so if what we’re suggesting isn’t working, you’ll need to contact Apple for the final word.

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