iPhoto ’11 9.0.1
After cries of woe from users for whom the iPhoto ’11 upgrade process erased all their photos, Apple has now released iPhoto ’11 9.0.1 (that’s right, iPhoto ’11 is in the 9.x version number range—that’s what happens when Apple relies on years for product names). iPhoto 9.0.1 “addresses issues that, in extremely rare cases, could result in data loss when upgrading a library from an earlier version of iPhoto.” Since it’s important to upgrade to iPhoto 9.0.1 before upgrading, first install iLife ’11 and then, before you launch iPhoto ’11 for the first time, open Software Update and download the iPhoto 9.0.1 update. Once that’s installed, you can launch iPhoto and
allow it to upgrade your library. Apple has a support note about the process that recommends that you make a backup first (always a good idea) and that you allow the upgrade process to complete even if it’s moving very slowly. All that said, continue to hold off on installing iPhoto ’11 if you need to create a calendar for the holiday season, since Apple still hasn’t confirmed that the functionality will return in time. ($49 new with iLife ’11, free update, 33.87 MB)
i didn't have any problems with the conversion but i regret that they neutered the exit metadata.
it is still there but in abbreviated form only (afaik)
My recent experience with Apple makes me think that they are having trouble coping with success
Can you clarify what you mean by "neutered the exit metadata"?
Sure sounds cool. I can hear Captain Picard giving that order.
Applying the update killed the iPhoto application. I opened iPhoto 11 with an empty library, closed it. Applied the update via software update. Tried to open iPhoto and it seems to hang after a minute with no windows other than showing up as "not responding" under Force Quit. I reinstalled from iLife 11 DVD and repeated the same with same result. MacBook Pro Intel Core Duo 2.33Ghz with 3GB RAM,upgraded from 10.5.8 to Snow Leopard 10.6.4--with 63 gig iphoto database backed up and waiting to be upgraded...
iPhoto 11 9.0.1 STILL ate my library! (OK, unthinkingly, I did drag some photos to iPhoto in the Dock before opening the new app -- don't touch that library before opening it successfully.)
Thanks to the caution from TidBits, I updated to 9.0.1 before I ever opened 9.0 (I didn't do that on my other machine but it worked correctly). However, the app never opened (just bounced forever), had to be forced quit, and wouldn't even think of launching again. I deleted prefs, reinstalled, all to no avail.
Here's the good part with the happy ending:
I followed the instructions COMPLETELY (read it all!) at http://iphoto11.wordpress.com/ and I'm up and running with no further issues. The keys (and the reason I emphasize COMPLETELY) are to 1) restore your library first and not touch it until the process is completed and 2) to use the app recommended to set permissions correctly.
Thanks Adam, Tonya, et al. Hope this helps someone. It's given me an unintended twist in my day but I'm happy again.
Thanks for the link to that site at http://iphoto11.wordpress.com/, Tom, since I hadn't seen it before. It sounds, from what it's saying, that the problem is purely a permissions issue. Interesting...
You bet, thank YOU Adam, I've been a TidBits lurker from about the beginning. :) I went into this armed with a fresh backup, and I'm glad I did. You kids out there, stay in school and BACK UP YOUR DATA!
(Although I won't get into the hour I spent convincing Retrospect 8, which I can finally use since I upgraded my backup machine to an Intel a year and a half after the software upgrade from Retrospect 6 [since v8 was unusable on PPC], that I really indeed did want to restore some data without the Pizza Pan Of Death preventing me from doing so... but I digress.)
/end-rant :P
It took quite a bit of Googling to get the right fix, here's to hoping my original post helps someone as http://iphoto11.wordpress.com helped me...
I had reinstalled 9.0 (the original iLife 11) before doing the permissions correction in the above link. While in the middle of replying to this thread last night, the 9.0.1 update installed on the correctly-working 9.0 -- and killed me completely. The eternal bounce, force quit, can't even option-open to select a different/new library.
After many hours of pursuing every iteration, I can use 9.0 after restoring my iPhoto Library and fixing permissions, but I can't upgrade to 9.0.1 without breaking it. BTW, falling back to 8.2.1 (iLife 09) requires 8.0, then the 8.1 update, then the 8.2.1 update to work with the existing (pre-iLife 11) library.
In short, I thought it was fixed, but it ain't. Sorry, but with 18 personal Macs since 1984 under the belt, this has been the biggest disaster.
More info available from the Apple Support Discussions and:
Sorry for the long thread, but more info that I hope helps someone...
I skipped 9.0.1 since I couldn't get it to work, but allowed the 9.1 update to proceed when offered. iPhoto was dead again.
After escalation with Apple, we tracked it down to Divx Decoder.component inside Library/Quicktime (at the system, not user, level). Removing that component (stashed on the desktop) allowed iPhoto to start and run normally.