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iStat Menus 7.0.2

At the end of July, Bjango Software issued iStat Menus 7.0, a major release for the menu bar system monitoring utility with hundreds of large and small improvements and an all-new design. Version 7.0 offers more at-a-glance graphical data, provides enhanced theme and color customization, and lets you selectively turn off sections of monitors that you’re not using. It brings frequency monitoring and additional sensor support to Apple silicon Macs, improved weather monitoring (with detailed hourly forecasting and weekly weather overview), and more notification capabilities (such as when CPU usage spikes or an IP address changes). It also uses as little as 20% of the CPU usage of iStat Menus 6.

iStat Menus 7 versus version 6

Version 7.0.2 was just released to add country flags to small clock items in the time menu, daylight time difference to city and weather sub-menus, link speed to network sub-menus, and a network locations item to the network menu. The maintenance update also improves Bluetooth battery monitoring, addresses issues with GPU memory reporting on Intel-based Macs, brings back a missing DNS address in network sub-menus when using static addresses, and fixes a display bug with menu bar items with multiple screens. A single license now costs $11.99 (with a five-license family option priced at $14.99), and upgrades from version 6 are priced at $9.99 (single) and $12.99 (family). ($11.99 new, in Setapp, 19.6 MB, release notes, macOS 11+)

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