iTunes 12.2.2
Apple has released iTunes 12.2.2 with several improvements and fixes for the Apple Music service. Clicking the Beats 1 banner in the Radio tab now brings you to a page that displays what show is currently on, as well as links to playlists from previous shows and a complete broadcast schedule. You can also view a list of artists that you’re following on Apple Music, though Kirk McElhearn (author of the recently released “Take Control of iTunes 12: The FAQ”) points out it’s not in an obvious place. First click your name in the
toolbar, and then click Following in the popover to see the full list of artists; click a Following button to unfollow an artist (the button morphs to Follow). You can also now tell Apple Music what recommended songs you don’t like. In addition, the update fixes a bug that caused iTunes to lose its place when returning to a previous page in Apple Music, resolves a problem that prevented artists from being sorted correctly in My Music, and fixes an issue where playlists in the action menu failed to match the playlists in your library. (Free, 222 MB via direct download or via Software Update,
Why is EVERY release of iTunes WORSE than the prior? last version they deleted most of my album covers. This time they insist on showing me every music and TV show I have ever purchased -- even though I have deleted that music I did not like, and those TV shows I already watched. It took me over an hour to get some rational control back over my library, that was already tuned prior to this latest disaster. Makes me wonder if maybe Windoze might be a better alternative, even though I have owed dozens of Macs since my first one in 1984... :( :(
Why on earth do I see a "Listen Now" button when I'm listening to Beats 1?
Like its predecessor which this proposes to bug fix this is still a total disaster. The new "enhanced" pause whenever you do anything remains.
Add a new track to the library 1-2 minute pause with spinner.
Edit an ID3 tag or add/change artwork, 1-2 minute pause
Convert an aiff to MP3, 1-2 minute pause (in addition to conversion time). Etc.
This is evident on every single machine I've worked on running iTunes 12.2.x. Previous to 12.2 there was no pause for any of these functions, in fact they had become basically instantaneous. I won't even start on the terrible nod confusing interface design which has gotten progressively worse since iTunes 11 which decided that people didn't need the instantaneous searching that existed prior. We never thought it could actually get worse after that.
Simply diabolical.