Apple has bumped iWeb to version 3.0.2. According to Apple’s sparse release notes, the minor update improves comments and search support for blogs and podcasts published to Apple’s MobileMe service. Assorted MobileMe publishing issues are also fixed. ($79 as part of iLife, free update, 177.14 MB)
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After update of iWeb 3.0.2 - together with Safari 5.0.2 - Group permissions on applications folder have been changed from ADMIN read/write to WHEEL read-only. Easy enough to fix but unnerving as I was at a loss where this unsolicited change had come from!
Further details at
The one thing I would love to know is if the new version includes the ability to easily add a PayPal Shopping cart – without having to endure the frustration and need for specialised technical knowledge to get it done! Any takers, please?
Apple said nothing about any changes there, so I'd assume that the answer is no. Sorry!