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Little Snitch 5.7.6

Objective Development released Little Snitch 5.7.5 to improve the detection of Wi-Fi networks for Automatic Profile Switching in macOS 14.5 Sonoma. The network traffic management utility also fixed a possible hang when the rule inspector shows longer text that requires scrolling. Shortly after that release, version 5.7.6 came out to address an issue in the Network Monitor inspector that caused text sections to be cut off, preventing the full text from being visible. Objective Development notes that Little Snitch 6 is coming soon, and you can sign up to be a beta tester. ($45 new, free update, 32 MB, release notes, macOS 11+)

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Comments About Little Snitch 5.7.6

Notable Replies

  1. I just got your email but they upgraded little snitch to V6.0. I love the new version. It seems to be better organized. It just seems easier to use and understand. It is really way more than I will probably ever use but I love it. Wish I knew more about networking so I could take fuller advantage of its capabilities. $39 to upgrade from version 4 to 5. $59 without upgrade.

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