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Logic Pro 10.7.2

Apple has issued Logic Pro 10.7.2, a maintenance release for the professional audio app with bug fixes and improvements. The update resolves an issue where Logic could quit unexpectedly when performing Flex Pitch analysis, addresses a crash that occurred when loading presets in Audio Units plug-ins, improves performance and responsiveness when performing Smart Tempo analysis, ensures the Logic interface remains fully responsive when track-level meters are displayed, fixes a bug where a triple-click could prevent additional undo steps from being added, displays an alert when a Step Sequencer pattern cell is converted to MIDI, and ensures control surfaces correctly update to select newly created tracks in Logic. ($199.99 new in the Mac App Store, free update, 1.1 GB, release notes, macOS 11+)

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Comments About Logic Pro 10.7.2

Notable Replies

  1. Any advice to a novice about learning how to use Logic Pro? I downloaded a virtual pile of books from Apple Books. I would have have bought a book in the Take-Control-of series, but there aren’t any.

  2. There are a lot of free tutorials available online. Here’s a good place to start:

  3. Thanks a bunch. This just what I wanted.

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