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MacBook Air EFI Firmware Update 2.9

Apple has released MacBook Air EFI Firmware Update 2.9 for MacBook Air models released in mid-2011. Ostensibly, the update addresses two issues related to waking from sleep — a bug that prevented waking in a timely maner and a problem that caused fans to run at full speed after waking. However, there are multiple reports on a discussion thread at Apple Support Communities that installation of the firmware update is causing some MacBook Air laptops to shut down completely and not start up again for a lengthy amount of time (so much for that timely waking fix). Additionally, other users report still seeing the EFI update in the
Mac App Store’s Update section even after applying the firmware multiple times. This might be one to wait on for a few days to see if Apple reissues EFI Firmware Update 2.9. (Free, 4.1 MB, 10.9.2+)

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