Mailplane 3.6.9
Uncomplex has released Mailplane 3.6.9, adding integration with DEVONthink Pro (see “DEVONthink/DEVONnote 2.9.8,” 5 December 2016) for storing notes and documents. The feature functions similarly to how Mailplane works with Evernote; although Uncomplex doesn’t yet have a DEVONthink help page, check out the company’s Evernote help page for more details. The Gmail-specific email client also adds support for sending invoices to the Receipts app, fixes a crash when pasting something from Excel into a search field, resolves issues with calendar
event notifications, and fixes a crash that occurred when opening Microsoft Office attachments. ($24.95 new, free update, 21.3 MB, release notes, 10.10+)